速報APP / 家庭 / Bedtime Stories

Bedtime Stories





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Bedtime Stories(圖1)-速報App

Are you a new parent and face trouble in putting your kids to sleep? If yes, then do not worry, we are here to provide you an easy hands-on solution.

Bedtime stories are the best way to put the toddlers to sleep in the calmest way possible. Apart from putting them to sleep, bedtime stories can also be used to impart important life lessons, moral values and good values to the kids at an early age.

Bedtime stories are easy, simple and interactive. Kids learn to read through these stories. Bedtime stories also help in enhancing the important skills like reading, listening, speaking and understanding.

This app will organize and provide following stories:

Bedtime Stories(圖2)-速報App

A Caterpillar’s Voice

A Donkey to Market

A Spider _ Robert the Bruce

Androcles _ the Lion

Bedtime Stories(圖3)-速報App

Beauty and the Beast Fairy Tale

Blonde Carrie _ Brunette Carrie

Boots _ His Brothers

Cinderella Fairy Tale Story

Bedtime Stories(圖4)-速報App

Fur _ Feathers

Magic Ball Fairy Tale

Rapunzel Fairy Tale

Rumpelstiltskin Fairy Tale

Bedtime Stories(圖5)-速報App

The Apple Dumpling

The Emperor’s New Clothes

The Empty Pot

The Fisherlad _ the Mermaid’s Ring

Bedtime Stories(圖6)-速報App

The Four Friends Folktale

The Snow Queen Fairy Tale Story

The Story of Mulan

The Velveteen Rabbit

Bedtime Stories(圖7)-速報App

All the stories are full of colorful pictures, lively illustrations which help kids learn very easily.

If you enjoy your experience and want to share it with your friends and family then we will help you with that.

So what are you waiting for, download the app now and get going…

We have EBook Recommendations as well as a place to submit your own tips and get a chance to be featured in this app.

Bedtime Stories(圖8)-速報App



Bedtime Stories(圖9)-速報App